2. Noruegos en Argentina/nordmenn i Argentina

Norsk i Argentina?

On this page I will try to collect links that are relevant for Norwegians, either those in Argentina or those curious about it:

First, the embassy: Noruega: el portal oficial en Argentina

Then there is the Chamber of Commerce: CANC – Cámara Argentina Noruega de Comercio

The Instituto Sueco Argentino has one Norwegian class: Instituto Sueco

There is a Swedish church and a Danish church, but no Norwegian one.

Borealidad is a site for Nordic culture and news, but it hasn’t been updated since June. Borealidad – Cultura Nordica.

Huldreslåt is a Swedish-Argentine Nordic folk music band.

Other useful pages (not directed at Norwegians or Scandinavians):

Couchsurfing: A great community of travelers and locals. The BA group is particularly active and there are always activities going on. A great way for tourists to meet up with people, and for newcomers to make friends.

BAExpats: The Buenos Aires Expatriates Group has lots and lots of useful information. The members are a wealth of info on so many different topics and it has been helpful for me in finding out things like price level, how to exchange money, how to get a phone plan etc.

1 Response to 2. Noruegos en Argentina/nordmenn i Argentina

  1. Leif Moestue says:


    Jeg heter Leif – jeg er en nordmann bosatt i Bunos Aires. Egentlig er jeg kanskje mer engelsk en norsk siden jeg flyttet fra norge (til england) da jeg var bare 13 aar gammel…men jeg lurte pa om det fantes en ‘norsk klubb’ eller noe lignende hvor kanskje jeg kunne treffe andre fra Norge…?

    Takk skal du ha!


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